Congressman on the ten here
----------Apples, Oranges, Versititis
CHIASMs: they can grow larger, and the recurrence can be more general, thematic.
Or the tower of Babel in Genesis 11:
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And we're only in the FIRST book of the Bible (:
Sometimes chiasms are are so large that they almost become a genre..or encompass an entire book.
In fact, they can become as large as life, See
James B. Jordan, “Chiasm and Life” in Biblical Theology Basics:
“Very much of human life is ‘there and back again,’ or chiastic. This is how God has designed human beings to live in the world. It is so obvious that we don’t notice it. But it is everywhere. This shape of human life arises ultimately from the give and take of the three Persons of God, as the Father sends the Spirit to the Son and the Son sends the Spirit back to the Father. We can see that literary chiasm is not a mere curiosity, a mere poetic device to structure the text. It arises from the very life of God, and is played out in the structure of the lives of the images of God in many ways and at many levels. It is because human beings live and move so often chiastically, that poets often find themselves drawn to chiastic writing. God creates chiasms out of His inner life, and so do the images of God.------------------------------
Biblical chiasms are perfect. That is, they are perfectly matched to the human chiasms they address and transform. As we become more and more sensitive to Biblical chiasms, we will become more and more sensitive to one aspect of the true nature of human life under God. We will be transformed from bad human chiasms into good human chiasms. In this way, becoming sensitive to chiasm can be of practical transformative value to human life, though in deep ways that probably cannot be explained or preached very well.One further thought. We saw in our previous essay that chiasms often have a double climax, one in the middle and the greatest at the end. The food we bought at market is put away in the cupboard and refrigerator when we get back home. Moving forward to a final climax is what all literature does, whether it has a middle climax or not. (Shakespeare’s five-act plays always move to a climax in the third and in the fifth acts.) This is just another way that human life matches literary production, in the Bible as well as in uninspired human literature. Becoming familiar with the shape and flow of Biblical texts will have a transforming effect on human life.”James B. Jordan, “Chiasm and Life” in Biblical Theology Basics.
Mike Rinaldi, a Visalian, and filmmaker (and Fresno Pacific grad) told this story at the first "Gathering to Bless Christians in the Arts":
Blake Snyder, the screenwriter behind the classicSave The Cat" book became a Christian not long before he died.
Often at this point in such a story, folks ask "Who led him to Christ?"
Go ahead and ask.
The answer is:
It happened in large part because Mike, not even knowing if such a well-known and busy writer would respond to his email, asked him if he had heard about chiasm.
Turns out Snyder was fascinated with it all, and Mike was able to point out chiastic structure and shape in scriptwriting....and one thing led to another...and then in Scripture.
All roads, and all chiasms, lead to the Center and Source.
Mike, of course, learned chiasm in THIS CLASS.
What numbers are sign-ificant in the Bible?
This is Casey, one of my
students at Fresno Pacific University Bakersfield Center, She just did something in Bible class I've been waiting years for someone to do. I asl What numbers are significant in the Bible? I don't remember anyone ever saying 5 (Pentateuch, 5 books of Moses/Torah, New Moses/ 5 teaching blocks in Matthew.).until Casey!!.. Way to go, love my students.
Inclusio: a literary world technique.
Something is repeated at beginning and end of a text or book to give you a clue as to main theme.
a literary device in which a word, phrase, or idea is included at the beginning and ened of a text (and sometimes in the middle). Example: the "with you"s of Matthew 1:23 , 18:20 and 28:20
Len Sweet is on to something, suggesting a Bible-wide inclusio. How wide and big can these things get? Wouldn't this cue us and clue us in to the heart message of the whole Book?
Check it out!
Ever notice Matthew starts with "His name will be called Emmanuel, which means 'God with us.'
And ends...very last sentence...with "I will be with you."?
No accident.
And neither is the midpoint and message of the gospel: "I will be with you" (18:20).
In Jesus, God is with us.
Jesus is the With-Us God.
Inclusio with chiasm, baby.
You knew God was with us in Christ.. But now you see it as you look at Matthew structurally..
"Jesus is the new Moses."
BTW: Note an inclusio in that the first and last teachings happen on a mountain..hmmmm
SERMON ON THE MOUNT, Mathew chapter 5
- Who was the sermon addressed to?
- Why did he teach on a MOUNTAIN?
- Why did Jesus sit down to teach?
When we read the "beatitudes," the first section of the Sermon on the Mount: -- do you catch any inclusio? (Note the first and last beatitudes (only) of chapter 5 end
with a promise of the kingdom of heaven, implying that the other promises in between "being filled," "inherit the earth," "be comforted" all have to do with Kingdom
--and if Jesus is a NEW MOSES of sorts, then we should look at
Discussion on how Jesus was interpreting/reinterpreting the law of Moses/Torah(Matt 5:17-48).
Some would suggest that he is using the rabbi's technique of "Building a fence around the TORAH."
For example, if you are tempted to overeat, one strategy would be to build a literal fence around the refrigerator...or the equivalent: don't keep snacks around.
Discussion on how Jesus was interpreting/reinterpreting the law of Moses/Torah(Matt 5:17-48).
Some would suggest that he is using the rabbi's technique of "Building a fence around the TORAH."
For example, if you are tempted to overeat, one strategy would be to build a literal fence around the refrigerator...or the equivalent: don't keep snacks around.
Some wonder of this is what Jesus is doing here. See:
Jesus' Antitheses - Could they be his attempt to build a fence around the Torah?
One can see how this could turn to legalism...and when do you stop building fences? See:
A Fence Around the Law
Greg Camp and Laura Roberts write:
In each of the five examples, Jesus begins by citing an existing commandment. His following statement may be translated as either "And I say to you... " or as "But I say to you ...” The first option shows Jesus' comments to be in keeping with the commandments, therefore his words will be an expansion or commentary on the law. This is good, standard rabbinic technique. He is offering his authoritative interpretation, or amplification, to God's torah, as rabbis would do after reading the torah aloud in the synagogue. The second translation puts Jesus in tension with the law, or at least with the contemporary interpretations that were being offered. Jesus is being established as an authoritative teacher who stands in the same rabbinic tradition of other rabbis, but is being portrayed as qualitatively superior to their legal reasoning.

Instead of drawing a new line in the sand that you are not supposed to cross before you are considered guilty, Jesus, confirms that the center is "love your neighbor" and then just draws an arrow (vector) and tells you to go do it. There is never a point at which you are able to finally fulfill the commandment to love. You can never say that you have loved enough. In the gospel of Matthew, the supreme example of this is Jesus' own life and death. His obedience and love knew no boundaries. --by Greg Camp and Laura Roberts
Ted Grimsrud, in your "God's Healing Strategy" book suggests:
"A better way [as opposed to legalistically legislating morality] to approach [the commandments] would be to ask first, 'What does this commandment teach us about God?'...Hence, the point of the commandments is not establishing absolute, impersonal, even coercive rules which must never be violated. The point rather is that a loving God desires ongoing relationships of care and respect....Paul's interpretation of the Law in Romans 13 makes clear the deepest meaning of the law not as rule-following, but as being open to God's love and finding ways to express that love towards others: 'The commandments..are summed up in this word, Love your neighbor as yourself.'" (pp. 33-34)
One can see how this could turn to legalism...and when do you stop building fences? See:
A Fence Around the Law
A Fence Around the Law
on the 6 antitheses of the Sermon on The Mount, remember my Paraguay stories?
"Ever committed adultery, John?"
OK, below is the backstory of the "LAUGHING BRIDE," which illustrates "building a fence around the Torah":
How do you name the difference in the shift of the 6 antitheses? What does it feel like Jesus is doing? He's making the law______:
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Remember this video when you study Matthew 18 for next week:
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